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Hosted on Meshwork by Mesh Energy, this free webinar from Tom Young, TEP and Rod Green, Pluvium Environmental will present on how green and blue roofs are constructed, key design considerations, additional features that can be added onto their design and their benefits, and long-term maintenance.

Tom and Rod will use examples from around the world to showcase exemplar green and blue designs, and how these can be achieved with minimal design alterations. They'll also discuss how green and blue roofs can be combined to create blue-green roofs which utilises stored rainwater to then irrigate the green roof passively, further expanding the landscape potential of the green roof, and improving drainage characteristics of the blue-green roof.

12:00pm on Wednesday the 29th of May 2024
Meshwork: https://meshwork.mesh-energy.com/events/blue-green-roofs-design-to-practice

Blue – Green Roofs: Design to Practice

General Info

Event Type(s) Talks & Debates
Admission / Cost FREE
Tickets/Booking/RSVP: meshwork.mesh-energy.com/...



About Meshwork is a unique network, run in partnership with Mesh Energy, which brings together architects, developers, installers, students and anyone else who is interested in low-energy and sustainable building design.

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